I’m not sure which option I should choose?

Rest assured that Krystal will discuss the best option with you in the consult portion of the beginning of your appointment. There are 2 main factors to consider: personal preference and skin type…


Ombré Powder Brows: This is our most popular and recommended method! It is well-suited to most skin types and typically lasts longer than Microblading. If you typically fill your Brows in daily with makeup, this is the look you will feel most comfortable with. We can make it look as natural or as defined as you want it to! And yes, it still looks very natural on the face even if wearing no other makeup!

1-3 Years before a Color Boost appointment is needed.

Microblading: Microblading alone is going to heal to look like a “naked ” brow (one with no pencil or brow powder makeup on it). It will mimic the look of having more natural hairs in the brow, but will not have the appearance of a brow that has been filled in. If you don’t ever wear Brow makeup or have very full brow naturally and are just looking to fill out a few sparse areas, this can be a good choice. If the existing brow has very little hair left, it is best to go with Ombré Powder brows.

6 month-2 Years before a Color Boost appointment is needed.

Skin Type:

Those with normal to dry skin and smooth texture will heal and maintain crisper looking “hair strokes” for the longest amount of time. They are good candidates for Ombré Powder Brows or Microblading.

Those with oily, textured, or acne-prone skin are not ideal for Microblading as they will not hold very crisp strokes and may see blotchy areas or strokes that blur out over time. A Powder/Ombré brow is ideal for this client.

Clients who use strong topicals such as Rx Retinols, Hydroquinone, get frequent Peels, have lots of sun exposure, etc will see their results fade much faster. A Powder/Ombré brow is ideal for this client.

Previous Tattoo: If you have a previous brow tattoo (not Microblading), you are not a candidate for Microblading as there is too much solid pigment already there for strokes to show. You MAY be a candidate for a Powder/Ombré brow, but will need to book a consult online with Krystal first. In some cases, tattoo removal/lightening sessions may be needed before we can attempt to correct or touch-up past work.

Who should NOT have Permanent Makeup?

You are NOT eligible for Permanent Makeup if you have/are:

  • Have previous microblading or permanent makeup in the desired area. We are not able to work on all clients with previous work. You will need to contact us and be approved BEFORE booking an appointment.

  • Anyone under 18

  • Pregnant/Nursing

  • Had Botox or Filler in the 4 weeks before procedure

  • Using Accutane in the last 6 months

  • On prescription Blood Thinners

  • Undergoing Chemotherapy/ Radiation in the last 6 months

  • Current viral infections and/or diseases

  • Hepatitis or HIV positive

  • Liver Disease- high risk of infection

  • Joint replacement in the last 6 months

  • Compromised Skin near Brow or Eye Area

  • Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)

  • Currently sick with cold or flu-like virus


  • Diabetes 1 or 2

  • Auto-immune conditions

  • Any other medical condition that causes slow healing or high risk of infection. It needs to be controlled and have a Doctor’s note of clearance.

  • Epilepsy

  • Pacemaker or major heart problems

  • Organ transplant

  • Joint replacement (not eligible if within the last 6 months)

  • Thyroid/Graves’ disease

  • *Hormone or Thyroid Therapies- can affect pigmentation/cause sensitivity- consult your doctor first, but a note is not necessary

  • *Cold Sore/Fever Blisters- will need to take anti-viral prior to treatment if doing lip blush. Or eyeliner with ocular herpes. Failure to do so can result in an intense outbreak, scarring, and uneven pigment results.

  • *Over the counter Blood Thinning medications- daily aspirin, etc. Would have to stop 1 month prior unless otherwise advised by your doctor. If necessary to remain on blood thinners, you would be ineligible for the procedure.

What are the Pre-Appointment Instructions and Aftercare?


NO ALCOHOL, CAFFEINE, ASPIRIN, TYLENOL, IBUPROFEN OR SUPPLEMENTS 72 HOURS PRIOR to your appointment. Sometimes these substances have the effect of thinning the blood and skin and can affect the overall result of your procedure. We may have to reschedule if you have not avoided these prior to your service.

NO WAXING OR TWEEZING 2-3 weeks prior to your appointment. We would like to see your full hair growth so that we may shape your brows as naturally to your face as possible.

DISCONTINUE all Retinols, AHAs, BHAs, Acne Creams, Oral or Topical Acne Medications, Lightening Acids, and Anti-aging ingredients 2 weeks prior to your appointment.

WAIT at least 6 weeks after any Chemical or Laser Peels, and 2-4 Weeks after Botox of Filler injections. Where possible, please schedule Botox injections AFTER we have done your initial procedure so that we may shape the Brows when they are in their most natural state.

DISCONTINUE Fish Oil and Turmeric supplements 2 weeks prior to your appointment.

DISCONTINUE USE of Grande Lash, Latisse, Lash Boost, or any other growth serum for 2 weeks before and after your Lash Liner or Eyeliner appointment, as this effects the lash glands and therefore Lash Line.

Keep in mind for planning that you can not get brows wet, excessively sweat, or have uncovered sun exposure for 10-14 days (7 days for Liner) after the treatment. Brows will have some scabbing and healing for a couple of weeks. They will also be VERY DARK and defined immediately after the procedure and will fade in intensity 30-50% during healing.


•    Keep clean and DRY for the first 24 hours! Expect some swelling and redness.

•    After 24 hrs, Wash ONCE every day with a gentle face cleanser and water rinse for no more than 10 to 15 seconds and pat dry.

•    After 24 hrs, use a Q-tip to apply a THIN LAYER of Aquaphor ONCE every day for 7-10 days. Do NOT saturate. Dry healing is the goal. If you have oily skin, use the Aquaphor every other day.

•    Don’t be alarmed if color comes off on to the Q-Tip when applying topical ointment. This is normal.

•    If slight crust appears on pigmented surface, do not force removal by picking or scratching!! (You will remove pigment along with crusting) Brows are not considered done with outer healing until all crusting has exfoliated naturally.

•    The procedure may have some peeling on or around the 3rd day. This is a normal process of healing for some clients. Do not Pick…picking can cause scarring and loss of color.

•    The application of permanent cosmetics is a 2 step procedure. Do not judge your procedure while in the healing stage. It will require a touch up. We will make any adjustments needed at your follow up appointment. Nothing can be done prior to that appointment to make sure the skin heals without any complications.

•    Do not use eyebrow pencils or any other makeup on the pigmented area for 2 weeks (to lighten it, darken it, or cover/mute down)

•    Avoid tweezing, tinting, or waxing of brows for 2 weeks following the procedure.

•    Avoid hot/steamy/long showers. A thin coat of Aquaphor over the pigment is a good idea before showering.

•    Avoid the gym or sweating for 5-7 days following the procedure.

•    Avoid sun for 2 weeks following the procedure.

•    Avoid chlorine pools, saunas and jacuzzis for 2 weeks.

•    Avoid Retin A, Glycolic Acids, Aloe, and Vitamin E products on entire face.

•    Avoid Terry Towels on pigmented areas.

•    If you are planning a chemical peel, IPL/BBL/PhotoFacial, MRI, or other medical procedures inform them that you have a cosmetic tattoo. Lasers can cause pigment to turn black and burn skin; procedure site must be avoided.

•    You must wait 1 year after any tattoo to give blood.

•    If any signs of infection occur, abnormal swelling, redness or pain associated with the procedure, call your physician (and please give us a call).

•    After you have healed, use a good sunscreen daily to help prevent premature fading of all procedures.

How long does the service take?

Permanent Makeup Procedures are 2-part appointments, with the first session taking 2-3 hours. Liner appointments are 1-2 hours. In the first session, we will go over medical history, paper work, take pictures, measure and map out brow shape, apply pigment, and go over aftercare. The client will need to return for a touch-up session 6-8 weeks later that will take 1-2 hours.

Why is it necessary to do a touch-up?

Think of your first “touch-up” as Part 2 of your initial procedure. It is necessary because everyone heals differently and therefore the outcomes vary. After the healing period, brows or liner may appear lighter, uneven, or patchy in some areas. You can often expect to lose 30%-%50 of the initial pigment. This is a normal part of skin healing and regeneration that you can’t control and the reason we require touch-ups 6-8 weeks later. Sometimes we will also adjust the color or brow thickness by adding more strokes or shading. In the case of very oily skin, or correcting previous tattoo work, a 3rd session may be necessary. Your artist will always ensure that final adjustments are made to your complete satisfaction and that you LOVE your new permanent makeup!

The skin needs to be fully healed before your touch-up so you must wait a minimum of 6 weeks to schedule that appointment.

How long does Permanent Brows or Eyeliner last?

Ombré Powder Brows: 1-3 years on average before needing a color boost.

Microblading: lasts 6- 18 months on average before needing a color boost.

Eyeliner: 3-5 years before needing a color boost.

Times just vary based on the individual. Everyone will hold differently depending on skin type, age, sun exposure, lifestyle, using retinols/acids or peels, etc. In order to achieve a more natural, realistic looking brow, the pigment is not implanted as deeply or as solid as a traditional tattoo, which is why more maintenance is required. 

Is Permanent Brows or Eyeliner painful?

The level of discomfort is relatively minor, and typically Ombré Brows are found to be more comfortable than Microblading. Some liken it to threading or tweezing two to three hairs at the same time. Usually a topical anesthetic is used to numb the area being worked on. Topical anesthetics are safe and may contain lidocaine, tetracaine and epinephrine.

Redness and slight swelling in the area is common after the procedure. Often clients liken the feeling to a slight sunburn. Frequently Tylenol is used to deaden any discomfort, but only AFTER the procedure is completed.

I want to do it, but I'm nervous about the final result...

Carefully choose your practitioner. Compare the work of various artists before choosing. Discuss your expectations and desired outcome including the shape, style, and color you want with the artist. Realize that faces are never perfectly symmetrical and that minimal balancing can be done in order to achieve the most natural result. Adjustments can also be made during the touch up, such as pigment discoloration and color correction. Feel free to email us with any additional questions or concerns you may have.

What is the Cancellation Policy?

A credit card on file is required to book all initial Permanent Brow or Eyeliner appointments. There is a MINIMUM 48 HOURS NOTICE for all cancellations and rescheduling of Permanent Makeup procedures due to the length of time they take up on our books. Late cancellations will be charged a $100 fee, no exceptions. If a client No-Shows a Microblading or Permanent Makeup Appointment, they must prepay the service in full to rebook. Due to safety and sanitation regulations NO CHILDREN OR PETS, NO EXCEPTIONS during permanent makeup appointments; you will be rescheduled and charged the cancellation fee.